Manual Games->Live leaderboard

For the player who will score the points:
The first time:
Click on the "Register" button and complete the fields.
- In the general menu:
- Click "Golf course" then "Current game" menu
- Select the number of players that will be in your flight.
- Select your Golf course.
(If your course is not included, add it by clicking at the bottom of this list.)
- Click "Validate" button.
Before the game or tournament :
- Click on the "Connect" button
(If you see the point encoding table, skip this step, you are already registered and logged in)
- In the 'Scores' column, fill in the first names of the players from your flight
During the game or tournament :
- Complete the Scores as in the example below for hole 1:
(In this case, in the 'Scores' line, it's easy to see that it's a PAR 3 because the number 3 is replaced by a P)
Marc plays 2 shots, so a BIRDIE; Michel makes PAR (column P); and JC plays 4, thus a BOGEY.
- Click "Validate" and the table automatically moves to the next hole.
- If you want to correct an error, click on the icone of the hole to correct, complete the Scores and validate.
(this can also be used to encode an out-of-range score greater than 9)
- If for some reason, your browser is freezing, close it and return to, you can continue.
(all encoded and validated Scores are kept in memory).
Encoding example (PAR 3):

Check the columns corresponding to each player's score (P=Par) and click 'Validate'